Χοροεσπερίδα 2013

Annual Dinner Dance

This is the Annual Dinner Dance of Thessaloniki Association “The White Tower”. It has been another success story not only for those who were present, not only for the VIP’s who created an atmosphere of formality, but also for the dancing groups, and the history that it creates. The history of Greeks which involves a great deal of dancing, eating well and celebrating.

The event happened at Star Receptions, on Saturday 23rd November 2013 and many VIP’s supported it from the City of Melbourne, the State Government, the State Opposition, the Greek Orthodox Community and the Greek Consulate. The photo below is from this event.

Την ετήσια χοροεσπερίδα της διοργάνωσε με επιτυχία η Ένωση Θεσσαλονικέων στο Star Receptions, στις 23 Νοεμβρίου 2013 που την παρακολούθησαν πλήθος μελών και φίλων της Ένωσης. Πιο κάτω διακρίνεται το Δ.Σ. μαζί με τους επισήμους που παρευρέθηκαν.



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