Thessaloniki Association “The White Tower”
439 High Street
Vic 3070
Phone: (614) 18353086
To contact the President directly:
To contact the Secretary directly:
To enquire about or book Events:
In order to contact the Taverna – Ouzeri at the club please call Takis or Jim
on the numbers in the blue card at the bottom .
Do not call the Committee members please.
Σε περίπτωση που θέλετε να επικοινωνήσετε με την Ταβέρνα
τηλεφωνήστε τον Τάκη ή τον Τζιμ στα πιο κάτω τηλέφωνα.
Thessaloniki Association has a new Board of Management
The Board of Management is this:
Name |
Board Position |
Paul Mavroudis | President |
Iakovos Garivaldis | Vice-President |
Giannis Papageorgiou | General Secretary |
Christos Mitsios | Treasurer |
Lena Tsiounias | Public Relations Assistant |
Penny Taravira | Functions Officer |
Vicky Sagiakos | Assistant Functions Officer |
Vaso Katselas | Building Officer |
Soula Kolokithas | Committee Member |
Committee Member | |
Niki Koukoulas | Committee Member |
John Mavroudis | Advisor |
Thessaloniki Association “The White Tower” Committee.

Σε περίπτωση που θέλετε να επικοινωνήσετε με την Ταβέρνα τηλεφωνήστε τον Τάκη ή τον Τζιμ στα πιο πάνω τηλέφωνα.