This year again Thessaloniki Association is organising the 34th Annual Sister-Cities Glendi Festival at Federation Square with on-stage performers, musicians, dancers, schools, cultural food and beverages, public competitions and great fun.
The event, which this year is organised in co-operation with the Pan-Macedonian Association of Melbourne, as always is open to the general public with free entry. It is a multicultural celebration to be enjoyed by the whole family. The stage program will be made available online closer to the date.
Make sure you mark the date in your calendar
[stextbox id=’custom’]This is an ecologically aware and smoke free event.
Please use public transport to get to the event, or your bicycle. In this manner you contribute to a safe and clean environment. For more information please visit our Ecological Awareness page.
Members of the public that arrive either on public transport or a bicycle have a chance to win great prizes at the Festival.[/stextbox]
25 Νοεμβρίου – Tο Ετήσιο Γλέντι Φεστιβάλ για τα 34 Χρόνια Αδελφοποίησης. Εφέτος θα γίνουν μαζί και τα Δημήτρια από την Παμμακεδονική ένωση Μελβούρνης- Βικτωρίας. Επίσης εφέτος θα είναι μαζί όλοι οι σύλλογοι, και οργανισμοί της Μακεδονίας στο φεστιβάλ του Federation Sq. Για πρώτη φορά σε μια μεγάλη ελληνική εκδήλωση και Φεστιβάλ.